How to Ask for Help in an Email

You want to get some help - maybe in finding a new job - improving your skills - even asking for a pay rise!  

Your communication needs to be effective, and you don’t want to sound needy - so what can you do?

Here are some thoughts about how to maximise your chances when you write an email to somebody asking if they can help you.

Hopefully some of these will help you form your request so that you are more likely to get a positive result.

1. Say why

Why have you chosen to ask that person for help?  Are they an expert, have they helped someone else in a similar situation, do you think they know someone who can help? You are more likely to get a positive result if the person you are asking can understand why you’re approaching them.

2. Keep it short

  • People are always busy, if you send a very long email it’s unlikely to be read.

  • If it is read it will be skimmed and your main points might be missed.

  • Long emails might suggest you aren’t efficient.

  • As you’re asking for help it’s a bit rude to expect someone to give up a lot of time to read through your email. It’s YOUR job to condense the message down to the key points.

3. Have a very clear call to action

Be specific about what you want, if you are vague then you are unlikely to get a result. Do you want advice, do you want to be put in touch with somebody, are you looking for an opportunity? Make it as easy as possible for the person you’re writing to by saying exactly what you want them to do.

4. Don’t be pushy. 

Remember, you’re asking for help - don’t try and exert pressure. Don’t say “Are you available on Wednesday for a phone call?”, or “I await your reply” or “Kindly reply with information”. The recipient will reply if they want to, regardless of pressure you exert. If you do try to exert pressure it may well annoy them and so make them less likely to reply.

5. Acknowledge 

Thank them for at least reading the email - and state that you are grateful for any help they can provide or direct you to… and remember to follow up with a thank you email if they do provide you with assistance.

I hope the above points are useful and that you do get the good results that you certainly deserve


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