Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

The Elephant and the Monkey

Elephant and monkey were good friends, however one day they quarrelled.

The powerful elephant said, "Being strong is better than being agile."

The monkey said ,"No! Being agile is better!"

They couldn’t agree, so they went to the wise owl so he could sort out their argument.

They asked the owl," Is it better to be strong or agile? Please tell us."

The owl was wise and he thought for a while.

Then he said to them " See that big river over there? I want you to cross it."

"When you reach the other side, you will see a tall coconut palm, pluck two coconuts for me and bring them back here - then I will answer your question."

They both got to the river - the monkey was afraid because he couldn't swim. The elephant said, "I will carry you." So they both safely reached the other side.

When they got to the coconut palm they saw that the fruit was right at the top.

"Oh, dear!" said the elephant. "I cannot reach the coconuts!"

"I can!" said the monkey. He jumped up the tree and climbed to the top. Then he picked two coconuts and came back down.

When he had plucked two coconuts, the monkey came down.

The elephant was waiting for him. On the way back, the elephant again carried the monkey on his back across the river.

Soon they were back with the owl.

The owl said ," If the elephant was not strong, you would not have crossed the river safely."

"And if the monkey was not agile you would not have been able to pick the coconuts."

"So you see, being strong and being agile are as good as each other, and if they work together you can achieve more than if they work separately."

The elephant and the monkey looked at each other, laughed and walked off together.

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