The Four Oxen and the Lion


Once there were four oxen, who became strong friends.  When in the open field they always kept close to each other and fed together.


A lion often saw them and had a mind to make one his prey. He could easily have subdued any one of them singly.  However, as soon as the oxen spotted him, they would group together in such a way that their tails were touching and their heads faced outwards, like the points on a compass.  This meant that whichever way the lion approached he was faced with horns, and it was too difficult for him to make an attack.


The lion realised that his plans were useless whilst the group held strong, so by whispers and hints he set doubts and arguments among the four.  This strategy worked well, the oxen grew cold and reserved towards each other, and eventually this turned to hatred and aversion which resulted in them taking up solitary positions in each corner of the field. 


Now the lion could successfully strike - it had been impossible for him to hurt the oxen whilst they were united, but now divided he was able to capture all four.


When we collaborate, we are strong, and the results are better than if we work to the same end independently.  ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’ as the saying goes, but keeping the team strong takes continuous effort, beware the motives of those who try to break up a successful team.  


The Ants and the Honey


The Bird Catcher and the Viper