What’s the Most Important Team?

This morning I attended the Bizzy Bees business breakfast (thanks to Gordon Staines at BizSpace and MYTIME Young Carers for hosting).

The guest speaker was James Muir (Be More Rugby podcast - check it out - it isn’t just about rugby - it’s about so much more).  James talked about being part of a team.  All of us are members of several teams, family, friends, work…but also much wider teams - ultimately the ‘one world’ team.

This I was already aware of, however the main point of James’ talk was about the most important team of all, it’s a team of one - ourselves!

This team is made up of our mind, body and emotions, and if those three aren’t working together then you will struggle to bring your best self to all those other teams!

So there is an ‘I’ in team after all.

And if you think about it, it’s so true, how often has your mind been willing, but your body says ‘no’, or you have energy, but your brain won’t get into gear so that you can productively use it?

When I talk about working in teams, it’s from the point of view of what, as individuals, we can bring to that team, how we can develop others within the team, what skills and attributes a team needs to make it work - how we can collaborate with others.

Now I realise that I also need to collaborate with myself - and my mindset is a huge part of that.

I need to ensure I’m developing myself physically, mentally and emotionally, not always in huge jumps, and not by comparing myself to others (success is me shaped, not what someone else decides).

I’m lucky and grateful to be able to do a job I love, I get to meet loads of wonderful people, to travel (although that’s only just starting up again!) and ultimately to be part of someone else’s development.  

So, I’ve decided that I need to actually book an appointment with myself on a regular basis, and I will use that time to see if team ‘Tina’ is doing the best she can, and if there’s something that’s not quite working, mind, body or emotions, take time to understand why and what I can do, or get others to help me with, so that I can bring my ‘A’ team to all the other teams I’m involved with.

Next time someone says - ‘There’s no ‘I’ in team’ - challenge them that actually there is - and it’s the most important one!!


Be More Rugby Podcast | a podcast by James Muir & Jay Stokes (podbean.com)

MYTIME Young Carers

Offices & Meeting Rooms to Rent in Poole | Discovery Court | BizSpace


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