Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Why Consistency is Important

I published a post on LinkedIn recently about consistency and why lack of it is annoying. It got me thinking a lot more about consistency - and why it’s important.

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

How to be a Great Boss - Top Tips

To be honest it boils down to two things, effective communication and trust - here you’ll find ten tips on how you can demonstrate trust and use your communication skills to best effect.

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Four Communication Styles and How to Improve Them

Communication is a fundamental part of everyday life, yet often we don’t think about what/how we are communicating with others. I’m sure you can recall at least once when you've been annoyed by the way someone spoke to you, or offended by a brusque email, perhaps you’ve felt uncertain by someone standing too close to you, or confused because you have no clue what the emojis in a text message mean?

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

What’s the Most Important Team?

All of us are members of several teams, family, friends, work..but also much wider teams - ultimately the ‘one world’ team.

This I was already aware of, however the most important team of all, it’s a team of one - ourselves!

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Delegating - How to Decide Who Does the Chores?

Delegation is something many of us are familiar with outside of the workplace - and if you’ve managed that over the years - successful delegation within the workplace should be a cinch.

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

What do I Need to be Successful?

…generally (not always) it’s about work, becoming your own boss, getting qualifications, how much money you can earn…..

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Old Fable with a New Teamwork Twist

Teamwork happens when each of us are committed to making it happen. Great teams are made up of great teammates. When we work together we can do things we couldn’t do alone as the following teamwork story demonstrates.

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

How to Train Your Boss to be Better

Bosses are the most difficult of all difficult people, because they have authority. Many bosses haven’t been trained in managing people because they’ve been promoted based on technical ability.  Most of the time they’re making it up as they go along, probably replicating poor management they have suffered themselves and so they are probably doing it badly.  

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Why Good Quality Training is Important

I’ve often heard the statement - ‘if we train people and they leave then we’ve wasted resources!’ to that I’ll counter with this alleged discussion between a chief finance officer and a chief executive CFO ‘what happens if we train people and they leave? CEO What happens if we don’t and they stay?’

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Why I L.O.V.E. Acronyms

Acronyms have been around for ages, most of us have heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals (not that I agree with this, I have my own version C.O.V.E.R.) but in today’s world of quick response text speak they’ve become part of everyday parlance, LOL, BRB, even WTF!

However, their common usage isn’t why I L.O.V.E. them. My adoration comes from how they can help me when I make my own up.

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

How to Know What Management Style Tactics to Use, and When

We often read and learn about different management styles - Authoritative, Consultative, Laissez-faire etc. and these are linked to volume/type of work, organisation culture, goals, and the personalities of those being managed.

What about other constraints?

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Tina Worthing Tina Worthing

Diversity - Why Difference is Important

Diversity is important, not for political correctness reasons, but because by valuing differences and bringing the strengths of those differences into our daily lives the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I love the way this is demonstrated by the fable ‘The Animal School’ by Dr RH Reeves.

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