Five Time Management Tips for Working from Home

Five quick tips for managing your time if you WFH.

WFH is great! 

Well for me it is.  For others not so much.  And then there are those who like the hybrid option - a little at home and a little in the office.  

The benefits of WFH are well documented - no commute, you can be more comfortable, and of course there’s much more flexibility…

Mmm, flexibility - that can be a double edged sword. 

No nine to five in the office - great - you can take half an hour out to drive great aunt Gertrude to her dental appointment - but you promise yourself that you’ll make it up later in the evening - but tonight is the season finale of your latest favourite drama series - maybe just this once no-one will know if you do half an hour less….but now you’re under pressure to meet a deadline for a piece of work you’ve been putting off for a few days!

Thin end of wedge!  

Time management can take more discipline when you are less visible to your bosses - so how can you help yourself take full advantage of the flexibility and still ensure you meet your employers expectations?

Here’s five tips to help you manage your time whilst WFH.

Always bear in mind your strengths and weaknesses e.g. are you a procrastinator - what would help you keep on task; when are you most productive - if you’re a morning person try and work more before lunch.

1 Set yourself up with a work schedule - writing it down will make it easier to stick to

At the beginning of the week

What hours and when are you going to work

Build in lunch and other breaks, personal commitments

Over the period of a week achieve your target hours

May vary from day to day/week to week depending on other commitments

Some times may be determined by your employer

Clearly display the schedule at home to inform others

2 If possible have a specific work space/area - make is as ‘work-like’ as possible

Helps to put yourself in work mode

It may need setting up and ‘taking down’ daily

Keep away from distractions (TV, other members of the household)

Keep it tidy - clear of ‘non-work’ items

Consider putting up a notice to advise others you are working

3 Write a to do list for the week - everything that needs doing 

Are there any tasks you can say no to? Or defer?

Are there any routine tasks you can systematise?

Are there any tasks you can delegate or part delegate?

4 Prioritise those tasks left on the list - be clear about what needs doing when

Prioritise by urgency and importance

Block time out on your weekly schedule for each task

Allow sufficient time for each task/stage of a task

Don’t allocate 100% of your time - leave space for the unexpected

(you can always bring forward tasks if nothing crops up)

If you can schedule the tough tasks for when you are most productive or early in your week.

5 Arrange ‘touch-points’ with your boss - keeps you on track, provides reassurance for them

Once or twice a week for a few minutes

Review priorities

Check outputs

Apply these as WFH habits/routines and you should avoid the pitfalls of mis-managing your time!


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