Why it’s Better not to Multi-task

Multi-tasking – why not?    “I can do two things at once”.

Actually, you can’t, not really.  Now, don’t confuse doing two tasks alongside each other with multi-tasking e.g. rather than standing and waiting for the kettle to boil, use the time it boils to write a shopping list.  This isn’t multi-tasking, it’s working efficiently. The kettle doesn’t need you to watch it, so go do something else whilst that happens.

Here’s why true multi-tasking doesn’t work, illustrated in diagrams….. 

Why something will take more than twice as long;

  1. Some things (in fact most things) need 100% focus - 50% focus doesn’t give you half, it gives you nothing.

  2. You’re not really doing two things at once, you are constantly swapping between the two, with time lost each time you switch.

Try the following (something I picked up from Jonas Schimmel).

Write out the alphabet - A - Z, and then straight afterwards write the numbers 1 - 26. See how long it takes you to do these tasks one after the other.

Now, time yourself again, but this time write A1, followed by B2, followed by C3 and so on until you get to Z26.

How did you do?  Did you manage to do it quicker? Thought not. How about in roughly the same time? Mmmm, more than likely it took you longer as you had to switch between the alphabet and numbers! Each time you switch you lose time, it may not be much but it adds up.

But also…

Now I hope you better understand multi-tasking, and why it’s not the good idea it sounds.

Remember, the most effective way to work is to focus on one thing – do it really well. After that’s done then move on to the next.  If distractions occur (and inevitably they will), concentrate on the distraction, sort it, and then get back to focusing on your original task.  

If you have to break off your original task for any length of time, set time aside to finish it later, make a note to yourself where you got to, and any quick notes about how you were going to approach the remainder of the task.

Keep a jobs-to-do list so you’re not worried about forgetting anything, you don’t have to start several things in case you forget one of them.

It also helps to have a clear desk so that nothing distracts you from the one job you are focussing on.

Good luck!


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